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Low-cost and Pro Bono Deportation Defense

Asylum Defense

To reach the US—and the promise of safety, freedom, and the right to prosper—immigrant families will give up everything. These families are often fleeing oppressive and downright dangerous situations. When they reach the US however, they are often faced with a seemingly unwinnable legal battle to remain in the country.

Relief Fund focuses on providing full-scope asylum representation in court to Individuals seeking asylum from violence & corruption. These individuals are at grave risk if they are forced to return to their home countries—and therefore are of the highest priority to Relief Fund.

High Quality Legal Representation

Relief Fund is able to provide hundreds of deserving families with legal representation every year, thanks to support from the private sector. The high-quality legal representation these families receive is of incalculable value to them, and truly changes their lives.

Donate Today

Relief Fund remains committed to ensuring that immigrants in New York State have access to high-quality low-cost and pro bono legal services.

With your support we can continue to:

  • Serve the growing numbers of young people applying for DACA status now that the Supreme Court has cleared the way
  • Ensure access to immigration legal services for immigrants in rural communities, where the need is high but legal services are scarce

We invite you to join our work in building strong, inclusive and equitable communities. You can give the gift of hope by making your tax-deductible donation today!

Some of the most vulnerable immigrants seek out help at Relief Fund because they do not know where else to turn to. They depend on us to help from start to finish. And that’s what we do – we do not refer cases; we finish the hardest cases from the start.

We rely on your contributions to provide free and low cost representation in court. Your donations go directly to supporting our programs.

By donating to our cause, you directly help to provide vital legal services to minors, survivors of violence, and refugees. Your donation is crucial to the immigrant community. Without donations from people like you, we would be unable to help as many people in need as we do. We appreciate your support!

Relief Fund is 501(c)(3) Charity. Your gift is tax deductible

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